
4 red onions, finely sliced

A knob of butter (about 20g)

A teaspoon of oil

1 tablespoon of ground ginger

100ml red wine vinegar

50ml balsamic vinegar (mixed in a jug with the red wine vinegar)

70g brown sugar

Caramelised red onion chutney

preparation 5 mins • you cook for 7 mins •

Makes 2 jars

Watch a 30 second preview of my cook-along video below

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My caramelised red onion chutney is mouthwateringly delicious. Super sweet reduced red onions, with the tang of vinegar and a great whack of Christmas heat from the addition of some ginger. On top of a nice bit of cheese, such as brie, it's simply delicious. It's also great as a last minute gift to take to someone's house, but the recipe makes enough to make sure that you still have some left for yourself! This is a two part recipe. In part one we sweat down the onions and in part two we add the other ingredients and let it bubble away.

Large saucepan with a lid

Spoons to stir

Jug for vinegars


Before you start have the onions sliced and ready. Have the butter out, put a large saucepan on a high heat and click here!

Before you start, have the vinegars measured out in a jug. Have the sugar measured out and the ginger standing by. Now click here!


This week's newsletter recipe is for my Tangy Lamb Tagine. This is a great dish packed with flavour - all you have to do is throw a bunch of ingredients in a pot and let them cook for a couple of hours and the result is magic! Slow cooked lamb shoulder, with the sweetness of apricot and the gentle heat of cayenne pepper - this dish will warm up your senses in no time.

Throughout November, the theme for my newsletters is 'Winter Warmers'. Each of this month's delicious recipes contain just enough spice to warm those winter months. I have 4 great exclusive recipes and cook-along videos for you, from Satay Pork to Curried Cauliflower Soup. With valuable cooking tips & fun food news from around the web, sign up for free today.

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Put a large saucepan on the hob on a high heat and add in the knob of butter and about a teaspoon of oil. Swirl it around the pan until melted then add the sliced onions. Stir thoroughly to coat the onions nicely with the buter and oil. Add a good pinch of salt and pepper then cook on a high heat for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Pop the lid on the saucepan and turn the heat down low. Cook with the lid on for 20 minutes, after which time the onions should have completely softened and reduced down.

Remove the lid from the pan and turn the heat back up high. Add in the vinegars, the sugar and the tablespoon of ground ginger. Stir thoroughly and bring back to the boil.

Once boiling, reduce the heat so that the pan is simmering rapidly, but not boiling. Leave this for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the majority of the liquid has gone and you're left with a thick stickychutney consistency. And that's it done!

I hope you enjoy it.


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